and he is dancing after they bullyed.
today nearly late for wrk again):
as i say i nt enough slp always):
i nid a veri veri long hrs to recover my energy.
and today fuction is a chinese dinner.
and chinese dinner is always a hard n tired wans.
so wrk til 1.30am.
bt reach hm at 2am++
cus of the idiotic indran!!
after wrk we all kena throw inside pound again!
and hui tio many tyms ah!
and today sylvia n i fightfight use tables cloths,
at first indran use table cloths to cover her head dan tel me to stand at chair and jump onto her body,bt i dunwan.being force wan!
indran pull me to and carry me to hit via!
after tat is via turn to bully me):
samesame use table cloths to cover me and jump onto me):
k, gt to slp early.
tml wrking at 3pm.funtion is CSE.
nightsafari wan.
hope tml wont be late finish if nt nct day sch again):
no tym rest! jia lat ah!
after sch i went to mit up my xiaogu,
we went to bishan to do FACIAL(:
my face gone le many pimples!
and as we haben eat our lunch,
xiaogu bring me to a japness restrants eat.

Tat's our order.
eat ful ful go facial song ah!hahahs!
so after eat,we go NEWYORK SKIN SOLUTIONS.
hahas!after doing it so comfortable man!
oh man! i love it!
and i fall aslp when doin it!
so after facial went hm rest while.
dan night come out again to mit up hui, xiaogu & her son(ryan) me &ying again.
cus we went for a midnight movie.
200pounds beauty. saddy movie):
cus i dropped tears,bt is a nice show(:
so went hm at around 2am,
and the nxt day gt to wrk at 12pm);
early sia! nt enough orhorh de!.jpg)