today was late for sch again. cus of the raining so heavily.
so ying, danny n me waitting for alex to bring umbrella for us.
so veron msg me say she'll b late so mit her at front gate den she's hungry so acc her go mummum den off to sch at 9.15am=x
jas n hui din come again-_-!
for ting, u tc at hm hurs! dun kip go n scratch ur hand!if nt gt scar nt nice.
saw jas post abt OUR GP MRLIM at her blog:
"almost all of us dislike youu.cause in the first place,
youu've use the wrong way to communicate with us.
youu always talk in the way like "look down on us"
youu always say i'll married and give birth at very young age,
and i always answer youu:YES! I AM. I'LL MARRIED AND GIVE BIRTH AT A VERY YOUNG AGE.cause i think no point argue with youu.
(yanling: Is completely NO POINT!)
didn't youu notice that other teachers cann communicate very well with us?!
cause he talk to us like 'friends' and not 'teacher & student'.
most importantly,things come out from your mouth 'de zui' us.
(yanling: yes!he's always真对 n argue with us!)
maybe all this will 'hurt' youu.but i'm just saying out,whats on my mind"
yanling:dun seen u r liked by our class-_-!
Your voice is what i hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
jas today nvr come sch,ps me again-_-!
bt stil gt my classmates chatting with me abt their own problems.
(= thankyou for trusting me.
after sch mit ying to find yiyi to cwp for our lunch(=
yiyi came with her friend so drive us go.and we ate long john for our lunch.
and nt long after long john, around 3 or 4pm we went canvana eat tiramisu again.
LOL! is like whole day eating lehs!
that is the little cup of Expresso
Your voice is what i hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
sch was alright. and today after sch when to eat lunch with my gers n jas's mum.
and thanks for jas treat me eat(: hee hees!!
so we have talk abt me n jas's bday celebration wil be early celebrate as weekday im busy n weekend jas is busy.
so its very hard for me to make out time):
Your voice is what i hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
This is happen on 18sept,
which is yanling and her GP's arguements.
i know u are viewing my blog that's y im here to post what im unhappy of!
and u this old ppl please dun look down on ppl who is small in size!
so what im short? does dat mean i forever cant find any job?
and if all e boss's thinking lyk urs,there wil be many ppl who is SHORT are jobless.
dun make me laugh my ass out man!u say short ppl cant give u any confident of wrking tgt.
please la! stop ur dog eyes see ppl down(狗眼看人底)la!
Your voice is what i hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing

hahas,went to cwp again.
yiyi bring us go eat sushi(:
and ying kip on telling yiyi to bring her go bugis n ask me help her.
bt i refuse. cus i gt surprise for her when we reach hm.
and around 6pm,i msg alex tel him can come over my hse as he bluff ying he gt to cnt celebrate bday with ying le.
which make ying very sad oh.
so after he appear in our hse with ying's bday icecream cake(=
she was shock!
lols! so sing bday song,wish n cut cake.
I WISH I WISH.........
Your voice is what i hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
This afternoon went cwp swensens eat with sis n mum's friends.
the aunt is gd to us and treat us eat swensens(=
and lastnight i open up n see the kitty's back.
andre say its back can open n turn become foods de.
so after turning become...
and i help them make love=X.jpg)
Your voice is what i hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
A angry and funny things happen this morning.
firstly,jas,veron n me went up hall quite late.
so everybody was inside hall already.
veron n i was the last 2person went in.
Funny thing was, the dunno what teacher catch me for nt tucking in shirt when i was walking in to find my table.
than he at stage kip on telling me "hey that ger tuck in ur shirt b4 u come in...blablabla.."
bt i dunno he was talking to me!til i saw y so many ppl look at me than say HUH?
so jas tel me 'your shirt! nvr tuck in!' so i quickly tuck it in.
Angry thing was here, i tuck it in already stil chase me out! sibei angry can!
somemore tel me go out tuck in again! SIAO LANG!
cb! make me so malu infront of so many ppl.
aiya! duncare so much la! hopfully my paper can pass jiu ok le(=
andre gave me this hellokitty(=
and the rest of the toy is i from young very love it so bu se de throw it away.
Your voice is what i hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing