some fotos of today.
ahahhs! we love taking fotos!=x
see the hair colour of me n grace.
blue-ish & yellowish.
Your voice is what i hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
today grace help me highlighted hair(:bleached highlight part using 蓝药水.
teached by johnny. hahahs.
is lik purple+blue?
hazelng help me to pour 蓝药水.thanks my 38. ^^
i love the colour. bt they say wont last):
so after it fade i wil add more again(:
Your voice is what i hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
jus finish showering n waiting for baby to call me chat.
think he haben reach hm yet.
td came new ppl frm academy again. salon is full of ppl.
jus nw waited for hazelng to finish her customer's wash n blow den went bk with her.
today i did a rebornding(;
bt nt all i do.hazelng help with iron while i help her customer to blow dry.
tmr cmf is a busy busy BUSY DAY!!!tmr's Appointment book is fully booked!
dunno gt time eat anot. hhahhas!
weekend again! BOO!! TIRED!

Your voice is what i hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
Today came 6 new appetites frm academy.
salon is so bright n gt many RED ANGBAO now.hahahs!!
13JAN: watch BODY#19 with baby after wrking.
it nt scary at all lo. only the sound effect so loud-_-!
i rated 2/5. cus baby n me dun understand the story at all.
this hair is grace style it.
Today is our first day wearing red polo. the whole salon is really so BRIGHT!
this is jy grace gan the hairstylist. she look cool hur!
this hair is grace n jj help me style it.
im so xinfu hurs, i only went for wrk nia either grace or jj everyday wil help me style hair.they say 'Ur hair so flat lik so boring nth to see lor'. LOL!!
Your voice is what i hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
First time see alex cut hair for ppl.hahahs!
n Natasan kip on smiling when alex cutting for him.LOL!

Today wrking was alright.
jus feel bored without hazelng to chat n 38 with me)= cus today is her off day.
n this morning when i reach wrking place, meiyun tel me something has happen ytd.
n ytd was my off day.so i didn't kwn tat.
to meiyun: hope u wont did the same mistake again.n if somebody has tel u thing y shld u go pass to that person?somemore u pass to the wrong person man! hais..
to hazelng: i kwn u r really angry n disappointed dat u kwn her so long yet she did this to u.
let e wind blow those unhappiness away n it wont affact wrking tgt.
n the TWO HEAD SNAKE at my back backstab me think i dunno rite? im nt a stupid lil ger hor!
hazel,altot u kwn me nt long bt i also believe the words u say to me.
u say dat "u has ur own eyes to see n dunnid ppl to tel u wad to do.n u wont rather believe 1yrs plus fren den kwn me jus few months" hahas! reader, dun get wad i mean rite?
anyw, i stil have to thanks hazel for trusting me n most imptly when i was down when wrking she's always there for me(=
Your voice is what i hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
green eyeliner.suit me?

weekend is always the most busy.-.o
n i haben taken my dinner yet so ltr mitting danny to eat with him(=
YEAHS! nvr see him for 1? 2? 3? days miss him muchy(:
hahahs! now chatting on phone with sigui RACH, she sound lik gt so many xin shi in her heart.
ger, pls be happy k. Lover do have problem in r/s. let it be a test. [;
dun forget u stil gt me k?free come find me hors! frm dat time u say until nw leh!]:
Your voice is what i hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing